About the Armenia Blackouts Project

We created this project to draw attention to the problem of air pollution in Armenia and contribute to its resolution. Our team brings together people who care about health and quality of life. We collect, analyze, and publish data on air conditions to make this information accessible to everyone. Our project becomes especially relevant in winter when the heating season and climatic features significantly worsen the environmental situation.

We strive not only to inform the public but also to create conditions for collaboration. Our platform is open to cooperation with government bodies, private researchers, environmental initiatives, and anyone interested in improving the environmental situation.

We believe that access to reliable information can become a powerful tool for changing the situation for the better. Together, we can make Armenia's air cleaner and safer.

Project Goals

  1. Data Collection and Consolidation: uniting information from various sensors across the country to obtain a comprehensive picture of air quality.
  2. Expanding the Sensor Network: installing new measurement devices to improve monitoring accuracy.
  3. Supporting Research: providing data to scientists and environmental initiatives for analysis and solution development.
  4. Public Awareness: increasing citizens' awareness of the air pollution issue and ways to address it.
  5. Facilitating Decision-Making: assisting government bodies in developing environmental programs based on objective data.

How to Contact Us?

For any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please contact the project leader Anton Vlasov.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the ArmAqi.org project for creating and supporting the volunteer community, assembling and installing sensors, and inspiring the creation of this project. You can read the article about the project's launch on Habr.com.